Allergies in the North West
The North West and North Wales is the third largest region and is home to over seven million people, or one eighth of the UK population. There are 1.2 million children in the region and it is estimated that allergy affects at least a quarter. The North West Paediatric Allergy Network is a Managed Clinical Network, meeting four times a year to share our knowledge and expertise to ensure that children who are living with allergies in the North West and North Wales are receiving the best available care.
Who we are
Our Network combines the clinical expertise of specialist paediatricians, GPs, dietitians and nurses from centres throughout the North West and North Wales who specialise in allergy, working alongside patient representation and managers.
We have two tertiary centres. Outreach specialist paediatric allergy clinics are conducted in five hospitals. We also have strong links with colleagues in 30 District General Hospitals in the North West and North Wales that provide paediatric care.