- 8 year old Miriam gets hives on her skin every day. She has done for the last 3 months. Piriton worked for a few hours and the effects then wear off. There do not seem to be any specific triggers, but
- Mum wants her to be referred for allergy tests to find out what is causing the problem.
Medical review
- The GP explained that hives (urticaria) occurring every day are usually not due to an allergy and therefore allergy tests are not going to be helpful.
- The doctor prescribed a long-acting non-sedating antihistamine – cetirizine to be taken regularly. An extra doses could be given if there were break-through symptoms.
- The problem finally settled spontaneously after a further 4 months.
Learning point
- Hives that occur every day or so and go on for a number of months (chronic urticaria) are not due to an allergy. Allergy tests are therefore not going to be helpful.
- Some children’s skin is sensitive to the sun, rubbing, or changes in temperature, such as taking a cold shower or getting into a hot bath.
- Treatment is regular use of cetirizine or another long-acting antihistamine and waiting for the problem to get better by itself. This may take many months. Piriton is not recommended as it only works for a few hours and then then symptoms will come back.
- If the antihistamine do not work when taken regularly, the child may need referral to a specialist.
Case Studies Details
- 27 Apr 2017